Dean Kurtz Construction recently started work on a new Eddie’s Truck Center/Freightliner Dealership to replace the old one. The new Eddie’s will be located off of Exit 61 on N. Turbine Drive on a 10 acre site with seven acres of it developed. A 45,000 square foot building will sit on the seven acres.
Works has begun on the site. Currently crews are working on mass grading the site and getting it down to the proper elevation. Once that is completed, work will begin on excavating it for the foundation to be constructed. Currently 90,000 cubic yards of dirt is being hauled out to help prepare the land for the Freightliner complex. According to Dean Kurtz Construction Project Manager Kasey Kurtz, the deepest point that the land is being cut out is 13 feet.
Crews are also currently drilling and installing geothermal ground source heat loops so the facility can be heated and cooled by geothermal energy.
“It’s a pretty well thought out facility,” Kurtz said of the construction project.
The Freightliner Dealership will feature: an indoor showroom and sales floor, two-story office structure, parts warehouse, car wash bays for washing trucks, parts retail area, and an 18,000 square foot service shop.
The facility is being built to replace their current one located on Omaha Street. Kurtz said the accessibility for this location is much better. It is closer to the interstate and it’s easy for trucks to get in and out.
The 14 month construction project is expected to be completed by the end of September 2017. Stay tuned to our blog for updates on progress.